Guinea pig cages: five tips for buying the best one

1. The bigger the guinea pig cage, the better

Most cages are designed for smaller rodents, but guinea pigs are quite large. It’s best to keep two at the same time because they are very social animals. So you need a large guinea pig cage to keep them together without any problems. This is also very important, because guinea pigs have different personalities and, despite their social nature, sometimes need alone time.
If you have two cute, fluffy guinea pigs (and we definitely recommend this), it’s best to invest in a cage that is around one square meter.

2. Provide fresh air

Cage ventilation is essential. Fortunately, most cages are made of materials that allow for the free circulation of air. But don't confuse ventilation with drafts. Drafts can kill a guinea pig! The difference? With drafts, (cold) air comes into direct contact with the animals, while this does not happen with ventilation.

3. Choose a simple guinea pig cage

Simply put, a happy guinea pig is able to explore every part of the cage without any problem. At the same time, the cage must also be easily accessible to you. Choose a guinea pig cage with large doors (both on the top as well as the side) so that you can pick up your guinea pigs effortlessly.
Choose a guinea pig cage that is easy to keep clean. This promotes hygiene and prevents the cage from starting to smell.

4. Don’t make it hard on yourself

Choose a guinea pig cage that is easy to keep clean. This promotes hygiene and prevents the cage from starting to smell. A good place to start is choosing a cage with large doors. On top of this, cages with a plastic bottom are a great to have as they are easy to clean and dry.

5. Provide safety and privacy

Guinea pigs do not need an exercise wheel. After all, if their cage is large enough, they already get enough exercise. In addition, a guinea pig can get hurt in a wheel because the animal has a rigid spine.

Although guinea pigs receive a lot of love in your home and don't need to worry about predators, they are still by nature, prey. As such, they prefer to hide in a shelter if they feel unsafe. So, provide wooden houses, tunnels, etc., to give them the necessary sense of security.

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